So today was a regular Monday for every man in America. Today was a life changing day for every female in America. Today older women watched as the rights they fought for were taken away from the generations behind them. Today mothers had to watch as the choices they got to make as young women were denied to their daughters. Today young women like myself were denied the right to choose what we believe is best for our bodies. Today young girls had a right taken away that they never knew existed. Five men changed our world today. Five men think they know what is best for my body, and the bodies of the women I go to school with, the women I pass in the grocery store and the women who now have no option because it's considered 'wrong'. Today corporations became people and women became objects for them to control.
So now I can't have birth control that is covered by insurance at a job because the corporation feels it is against their religion. I can't have an abortion if I'm raped or if I have a pregnancy that isn't viable. Since when did my uterus become an object up for America's personal use? Since when did my right to choose what happens to my body become the decision of a corporation with religious beliefs?
Those 5 men changed America today and I hope to God that my children never have to read about how great they were in history books. Today 5 men took my rights as a woman. Today the lives of millions of women changed because 5 men thought that religious beliefs of corporations come before the personal choice of a woman.
Are they planning on paying for the children that will come into this world, born to young mothers who weren't ready but had no other choice? No. Are they going to pay for the doctor visits and check ups and God forbid the bills for any emergency during pregnancy or delivery? No. Are they going to pay for treatment of any disorder women have such as Endometriosis? No. Are they going to let us make laws about their reproductive system? Not a chance in hell.
This is my body. Those were my choices. It's my uterus, not America's.
Today the women of America, all generations, watched as our rights were taken, and the rights of our future daughters were changed. But for men, it was just a Monday.